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Improving Health Outcomes For Children

Step 1: Learning Session

Learning session Phase 2, Development, Autism, and Anemia and Lead Screenings. This will look at meeting with autism specialists and they will share their information in a conference.

First Steps looking at ways to increase and improve immunization rates

There are many teams that are looking to help children get the immunizations that they need.

February 10th First Steps Conference: this conference is looking at how the incentives have improved immunizations and what worked and what did not work. They are also exploring the outcomes from Phase 1. The staff is also being honored for their hard work and achievements in helping children.

The First Steps is working with various task forces and medical professionals to increase the immunization rates for children. They are getting support for their work in Phase 1.

There are some incentives that worked and populations that receive these incentives.

Equality Counts for Kids

This program is looking to provide healthcare services to children from birth and up so they will have the opportunity for a healthy future. There are barriers that are preventing parents from enrolling their children in the state medical assistance programs and related services. The professionals are looking n how to make these and other programs available to families so the children can get the care that they need.

They are doing this with outreach and educational program. They are also looking to improve the medical services to these young children including early screening, diagnosis, and treatment of medical conditions. They are looking to make this family-centered and accessible to all people. They are also looking to provide preventative services to children.

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Pediatric Practices are part of the first step to help children get medical care.

First Steps Including Prevention

The First Steps campaign and learning experience was met with a warm response. There were over 20 practices in addition to impatient providers that attended this conference. Phrase 1 looking at improving childhood immunization rates. Phrase 2 is going to look at development and screenings. More information will be posted on the site as it becomes available.

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