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Improving Health Outcomes for Kids

The Improving Health Outcomes for Kids is an initiative supported by the CHIPRA demonstration fund grant. The Care and Main Equality will develop the Maine child health improvement partnership as well as a quality improvement for sustainable Healthcare support for help workers.

Maine Kids Health Improvement Partnership

A part of the national improvement partnership seeks to foster public-private partnerships, through the initiation and support of measurable efforts to enhance child health care. It aims at giving opportunities, skills, and collaborative learning support with the purpose of delivering high-quality Healthcare. The Advisory Committee meets every other month whether in person at Manchester Counts or through the phone. The board gives guidance on QC, the Development Project, and STEPS Project targeting initiatives for children. They also work in partnership with the. Health Management Coalition to give recommendations to the pathways to excellence revision steering committee on child healthcare Metrics.

Monthly Webinars

The monthly webinars are providing support for community partners in autism screening and development. Get more information on the webinars from the QC for kid’s web page.

Development Systems Integration

The Department of Education, in partnership with the Health Services Commission, created the state agency’s interdepartmental early Learning and Development Team. It will be working together with the quality counts for kids the Development Systems Integration. DSI is targeting children right from birth to age 3 to ensure they have access to relevant developmental services.

The young targeting is to ensure that children get the relevant interventions early enough. Developmental screening in the early stages identifies and correcting any issues, thereby optimizing learning, development, and growth. Some of the key partners in the initiative include Early Head Start, the Medical Community, Child Developmental Services, Maine families, and Public Health Nursing.

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